Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coconut cookies are "da bomb"!

Today, Dad's chemo and radiation ran like clockwork. He even got to go into the radiation early today! He also went for a check in with Dr. Uzel. She said the treatment Dad is going through now is a cycle one. He is getting half of the maximum dose of chemo and all of the radiation. The cycle one treatment will end on Monday, April 26. Radiation will go through approximately May 12. About three weeks after the last radiation treatment, he will get another PET Scan to determine the effects of the treatment and plan for another one. The doctor said he was doing good, she glad he was keeping his nauseousness under control. He made an appointment to see her on April 8 to check his blood count. She smiled and told Dad and Mom: "I like yalls savvy attitude."

Dad got a big kick out of Aunt Sharon's card today; and the CD is awesome! (I stole a copy of it for myself!)

We went to the grocery store today, and found these amazing coconut cookies. They were super de-lish.


sheilamc77 said...

keeping up with progress and im glad that Steve is doing well what's the brand of cookies you bought?

Sharon said...


Savannah said...

Granny, I don't remember what kind of cookies they were. They were in a green bag though..

Aunt Sharon, Dad says thank you for the CD, it couldn't be more appropriate. He listens to it at least once everyday, and says it might be his favorite CD ever. (And it's tough to beat Lynard Skynard!) He listened to it twice last night before he went to bed. He loves it, and you too!

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