Monday, March 29, 2010

A++++++ Report Card

Dad spent all weekend studying the backs of his eyelids. After 2 days, he concluded that they were normal and needed no further all day studying.

Today was the long day of chemo treatment. Before he started, they did lab work to make sure his organs were still in tip top condition. All of his tests came back A+++. Heart, kidneys, liver, white blood count was all in "real good shape" as dad told me. Then, they did the last day of the first half of cycle one of the chemo. WOO HOOO!!!

Now all he has is his boring radiation for three weeks. Then, the second half of the first cycle of chemo. He is becoming good friends with Spring Hill's medical staff. They all really like him.

He has decided that Sarah should be a radiation oncologist when she grows up.

And I apologize for the lack of blog updates. I am on Spring Break and had trouble getting acess to the internet. But I have it now, so all should be good again!


Sharon said...

Wonderful news. And yes, Sarah should definitely go into the helping/caring for/nurturing/loving field!!!

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